The Project

AI for Youth Work

Artificial intelligence is radically changing the world of work and the education of young people in Europe, increasingly used in formal and non-formal education, from chatbots to VR for teaching media literacy.

Needs addressed

Artificial Intelligence introduced enormous opportunities to support and optimise the activities of youth organisations and professionals.

AI4YouthWork aims to strengthen the capacity of youth work professionals to harness the potential of AI, equipping them with competences and tools to integrate AI in their work as well as to support young people to become confident, critical and responsible users of digital technologies driven by AI systems.

The AI4YouthWork Ecosystem

Youth work professionals and educators, to improve their competencies in the field of AI and equip them with innovative resources and tools for AI education.

Other non-formal learning providers (e.g., adult and vocational educators) and researchers, to promote the uptake and further development of the project results.

Local communities, to increase citizens' awareness of the benefits and limitations of AI, as well as to communicate the project's progress, results and societal value.

Other relevant EU-funded consortia (e.g., addressing digital transformation in the youth sector, AI education in Youth or different education and training fields) to enhance the transfer of knowledge and practices.

National and EU policymakers in the Youth field, to let the project results contribute to policy development and implementation practices in the sector.


Research on AI competence needs for youth workers , consolidating outcomes of desk research covering existing AI competence frameworks, literature and scientific papers, and focus groups with youth workers in the four participating countries.

An AI Competence Framework for Youth Workers covering key competence areas, knowledge, attitudes and skills needed by youth workers to effectively use and address AI in their work.

A Digital Catalogue of eLearning experiences on AI addressed to youth workers and tailored to foster each competence outlined in the Competence Framework.

A map of free, web-based AI tools compliant with the ethical guidelines outlined by the EC's High-Level Expert Group on AI, covering AI applications that are relevant for youth workers

A collection of workshop plans to foster AI literacy among young people, encouraging critical thinking and responsible AI usage.


The key actors in the project

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